내 맴

91. ~한거 같던대? / 절반쯤 지나서 / 차가 막히다 / 그래서 ~한거다 (looked like / halfway through / the traffic was bad / That's why ~) 본문

English/내맘대로 영어공부

91. ~한거 같던대? / 절반쯤 지나서 / 차가 막히다 / 그래서 ~한거다 (looked like / halfway through / the traffic was bad / That's why ~)

뺙사우르수 2020. 5. 12. 15:01


A: 야, 너 영화 절반쯤 지나서 들어온거 같던데?
B: 어 맞어, 늦어서 미안
A: 아냐 괜찮아. 차가 그렇게 많이 막혔어?
B: 어, 근데 그래서 늦은건 아니고,
    출발은 2시 전에 했는데 오는 길에 갑자기 들러야 될 곳이 생겨서,,
    그래서 좀 오래 걸렸어




A: Hey it looked like you came in halfway through the movie
B: Yeah, that's right. I'm sorry I was late
A: No, that's ok. Don't worry about it. Was the traffic that bad?
B: Yes, but that's not why I was late, 
    I left before 2 o'clock but on my way (here) I suddenly had to stop by somewhere
                                                                (= I suddenly had somewhere to stop by)
    That's why it took a little long 



표현 정리 )

1. 야, 너 영화 절반쯤 지나서 들어온거 같던데?

 Hey, It looked like you came in halfway through the movie 

~한거 같던데? → 추측의 뉘앙스 갖고 있음 (과거 시점에서 관찰)


 halfway through  : 절반쯤 지나서 (시작과 끝이 있는 과정에는 다 쓸 수 있음)
 halfway into : 절반쯤 되서
Ex) It's already halfway through the month


2. 어 맞어, 늦어서 미안

 Yeah, that's right. I'm sorry I was late



3. 아냐 괜찮아. 차가 그렇게 많이 막혔어?

 No, that's ok. Don't worry about it . Was the traffic that bad?


 Don't worry about it: 괜찮다는 표현과 같이 쓰임 (상대방 안심시킴)

 The traffic was bad/terrible / awful : 차가 막히다
     There was a lot of traffic


4. 어, 근데 그래서 늦은건 아니고,

  Yes, but that's not why I was late

 that's not why : 그래서 ~한건 아니고
     (= that's not the reason, that's not the reason why )


5. 출발은 2시 전에 했는데 오는 길에 갑자기 들러야 될 곳이 생겨서,,

 I left before 2 o'clock but on my way (here) I suddenly had somewhere to stop by
                                                                ( I suddenly had to stop by somewhere)

stop by, drop by, swing by : ~에 들리다


6. 그래서 좀 오래 걸렸어

 That's why it took a little long

  That's why ~ : 그래서 ~했어 



링크 )


